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Japan is home to over 9,113,000 aspiring entrepreneurs. Join 10,000+ founders already on CoffeeSpace, be among the first 50 joining in Japan and start your founder journey today!
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Entrepreneurship in Japan
Japan's entrepreneurship environment is characterized by a strong culture of innovation, driven by a highly educated workforce and advanced technological infrastructure. The country is renowned for its technological advancements in robotics, electronics, and automotive industries. This culture of innovation is further nurtured by government policies aimed at promoting research and development. In recent years, Japan has also seen a rise in sectors such as fintech, AI, and IoT, indicating a shift towards the digital economy. Funding for startups in Japan is increasingly becoming accessible with the growing presence of venture capital firms, angel investors, and government-backed funds. The government also provides subsidies and tax incentives to encourage entrepreneurship. Japan's startup ecosystem is robust with numerous incubators, accelerators, and coworking spaces to support new businesses. However, the traditionally risk-averse mindset of the Japanese can pose a challenge to the entrepreneurial environment, with preference often given to stable employment over entrepreneurial ventures. Despite this, there is a gradual shift in attitude, particularly amongst the younger generation, towards embracing entrepreneurship.
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Japan founders in numbers
The entrepreneurship environment in Japan is vibrant and thriving, with a total of 9,113,000 entrepreneurs actively shaping the business landscape. Among these, we at CoffeeSpace are proud to serve 39 active users, facilitating their journey in this dynamic ecosystem. The top three industries here in Japan are AI, SaaS, and Generative Tech/AI, marking the country's progressive tilt towards tech-driven ventures. Key players in this field include innovative firms like Rakuten, SJ.coded, and Illinois Avenue Partners, all of which have significantly contributed to the entrepreneurial fabric of Japan. Interestingly, a large number of these entrepreneurs are alumni of top-tier universities such as Keio University, Ritsumeikan University, and Waseda University. These institutions have greatly supported the entrepreneurial spirit, producing graduates who are now leading the charge in Japan's business revolution.
The median age of CoffeeSpace founders in Japan is 31, while the average is 32.0.
A majority (62%) of CoffeeSpace founders in Japan are technical (Engineering, AI/ML), while (38%) are non-technical (Product, S/M, Financial, Operations).
A majority (51%) of CoffeeSpace founders in Japan, are exploring startup ideas, while 49% are committed to finding a cofounder.
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