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Find a Cofounder in Toronto

Toronto is home to over 221,500 aspiring entrepreneurs. Join 10,000+ founders already on CoffeeSpace - including 234 from Toronto and start your founder journey today!

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Entrepreneurship in Toronto

Toronto is renowned for its thriving entrepreneurship environment, characterized by a high level of innovation and an expansive startup ecosystem. The city is a hotbed for groundbreaking ideas, with numerous startups specialized in areas such as FinTech, HealthTech, CleanTech, and EdTech. Toronto's diverse and multicultural population also contributes to a rich pool of creative minds, fostering an environment conducive to innovation. Furthermore, the city's world-class educational institutions, including the University of Toronto and Ryerson University, continuously churn out highly skilled graduates who contribute to the innovative spirit of Toronto's startup scene. Access to funding is another key factor that has played a significant role in shaping Toronto's dynamic entrepreneurship environment. The city is home to several venture capital firms and angel investors who are keen to invest in promising startups. Government initiatives such as the Industrial Research Assistance Program also provide financial support to startups. Moreover, numerous incubators and accelerators including the DMZ at Ryerson University and MaRS Discovery District offer both funding and mentorship to startups, helping them navigate through the challenges of the entrepreneurship journey.

Toronto founders in numbers

Toronto's vibrant entrepreneurship environment is home to a dynamic community of 221,500 entrepreneurs, including 234 active users of CoffeeSpace. This bustling ecosystem is driven by innovation in diverse sectors, with AI, Generative Tech/AI, and FinTech leading the charge. In this world-class hub, trailblazing companies such as Ockham Labs, IBM, and Amazon have made significant strides and continue to inspire the next generation of entrepreneurs. Many of these enterprising individuals have been shaped by the city's premier educational institutions, including the University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, and York University, adding to the rich tapestry of the Toronto entrepreneurship scene. Join us at CoffeeSpace and immerse yourself in the thriving entrepreneurship environment of Toronto.


The median age of CoffeeSpace founders in Toronto is 32, while the average is 33.01.

Type of founder

A majority (54%) of CoffeeSpace founders in Toronto are non-technical (Product, S/M, Financial, Operations), while (46%) are technical (Engineering, AI/ML).

Idea Stage

A majority (63%) of CoffeeSpace founders in Toronto, are exploring startup ideas, while 37% are committed to finding a cofounder.

Top industry interests

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Top schools they went to

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Top companies they worked at

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